Donation of Food Hampers to AKRC Communities

Anishinaabeg of Kabapikotawangag Resource Council

True North Aid
Anishinaabeg of Kabapikotawangag Resource Council Inc. (AKRC), and their five-member First Nations: Ojibways of Onigaming, Big Grassy River, Animakee Wa Zhing #37, Northwest Angle #33, and Wauzhushk Onigum want to express their gratitude and appreciation to TRUE NORTH AID for the generous donation of 250 hampers to AKRC’s member First Nations.
Thank you, TRUE NORTH AID, for your generosity!
AKRC would also like to acknowledge all those who came together to coordinate the transportation, drop off, and distribution: Bison Transport, Kenora Chiefs, and Grand Council Treaty Three.
Special thanks to Kenneth, Amanda, Kim, AKRC Community Members, and the dedicated staff of AKRC.
In the spirit of giving and sharing, we want to say Miigwich!
Published On: December 23rd, 2020Categories: News