Waubetek Business Development Corporation

An aquaculture workshop that has been scheduled in Emo, Ontario, on October 18th.  Following the workshop on October 19th we will also be holding a Strategic Action Discussion that will be catered specifically for the Lake of the Woods area.  The workshop is intended for First Nation communities, and its members. This will be an excellent opportunity for your community to learn how aquaculture can be a positive influence for fisheries enhancement, food sovereignty, job creation and generating profit.  The workshop will be hosted by the Waubetek Business Development Corporation and will include Industry experts speaking on numerous aquaculture topics.  The attached poster provides some details of what will be discussed as well as the location and timing of the event.   Closer to the date of the workshop a detailed agenda will be provided to those who plan on attending.

The Strategic Action Discussion on October 19th will be hosted by the Waubetek Business Development Corporation along with the Anishinaabeg of Kabapikotawangag Resource Council (AKRC).  This will be an opportunity to hear from Lake of the Woods First Nation communities to better understand their goals, and objectives in how a sustainable aquaculture industry could flourish in the area.  The attached poster provides additional details about this Strategic Action Discussion.

Space will be limited for this workshop and strategic discussion, so if you have interest in attending, please let us know as soon as possible by email to spressey@waubetek.com with names or number of individuals attending from your community.  Meals will be provided during the workshop, so please let us know if you have any food allergies and we can relay the information to the caterer.


Published On: September 28th, 2022Categories: News